3 Things to Know Before Your New York DWI Alcohol Evaluation
3 Things to Know Before Your New York DWI Alcohol Evaluation – www.ithacadwi.com 1. Honest and Clean Be prepared to be urine tested (really a screen) for other drugs in your system. Some evaluators will be looking for other drugs besides alcohol. Be straight with the evaluator because they will confirm and check up on what you tell them. Which leads me to number… 2. Collaterals: They will ask for the names and phone numbers of your closest friends, family, and possibly co-workers to check up on your answers/responses to their questions. Better to know before you go, and tell them in advance to expect a call. 3. Take the MAST, google it, it’s online, and formally called The Michigan Alcohol Screening Test. It is a good place to self-test to see if you have a potential dependency problem. Read the complete blog, “Three Things You Have to Know Before Your DWI Drug/Alcohol Evaluation” here: ithacadwi.blogspot.com Remember the purpose of the evaluation is to determine whether your diagnosis is one of “abuse” or “dependency” and then what would be the appropriate course of action to address your issue (s). Tolearn more about how DWI cases work in the state of New York, I encourage you to explore my educational website www.ithacadwi.com. If you have legal questions, I urge you to pick up the phone and call me since I can answer your legal questions at 607-229-5184 or by e-mail at [email protected]. I welcome your call. Criminal Defense Attorney Larry Newman 504 North Aurora Street Ithaca, NY 14850 607-229-5184 http
A longitudinal assessment of alcohol intake and incident depression: the SUN …
Filed under: alcohol assessment
Longitudinal studies assessing the long-term association between alcohol intake and depression are scarce. The type of beverage may also be important. Therefore we aim to prospectively evaluate the influence of alcohol intake on incident depression in …
Read more on 7thSpace Interactive (press release)
Education, alcohol awareness keys to preventing teen pregnancy
Filed under: alcohol assessment
Public Health Nurse Marcia Ward often works with teen girls who are pregnant. She said she tries to assess right away whether a pregnant teen has been using alcohol, tobacco or illegal drugs. “We have educational tools showing what alcohol does to the …
Read more on Great Falls Tribune
Tags: illegal drugs, alcohol screening test, new york