4 Ways to Manage Depression Naturally
4 Ways to Manage Depression Naturally
Those treated with acupuncture for 6 weeks reported improvement in symptoms. When considering acupuncture, remember to go to an experienced and licensed practitioner who has treated patients with depression before. It may require multiple treatments … Read more on Everyday Health
Monthly moods – when hormones dictate how you feel
At his Dublin clinic, Dr Magovern sees patients who've had hormonally-linked depression treated with anti-depressants or endometriosis-type drugs to close down hormonal activity. “Hysterectomy may have been suggested as a way to shut down their … Read more on Irish Examiner
When depression plays out in real life, seek professional mental help: NAMI Now
In that issue, Dick Cavett (who knew him well), surmises that possibly (faulty) brain chemistry started a chain that resulted in Robin Williams treating himself by using alcohol and drugs. At one point, Robin Williams reportedly asked himself, "How can … Read more on The Times-Picayune – NOLA.com
Tags: alcohol and drugs, robin williams, irish examiner