What Is the Most Effective Type of Physical Therapy?

Question by A: what is the most effective type of physical therapy?
I’ve seen the words “chiropractor”, “massage therapy”, “reiki”, etc. All these imply physical therapy I think. I do have back issues that I need resolved. Which physical therapy type should I look into? I hope there are books out there to help me as well, but I’m sure every physical therapy requires a doctor’s tool.

I don’t have insurance but the up-front prices I’ve seen on some physical therapy services cost $ 180 per session. Note that some clinics won’t give prices over the phone as to avoid shopping comparison prices (I think). Any advice on where to look for a physical therapist to fix my back aches? I’m in the D.C. area.

Best answer:

Answer by mistify
I would recommend you see a physical therapist who is at least certified in mechanical diagnosis and therapy. This is one of the most scientifically validated ways to assess and recommend treatment for . The focus is on showing you what YOU can do at home to reduce the problem and prevent it from coming back again, as opposed to someone doing something to you and making you dependent on them for ongoing treatment. Focusing on showing you what to do results in very few visits and what is usually a brief episode of care. You can find a PT who is certified by going to www.mckenziemdt.org

Answer by Douglas B
You have back pains, they come from the muscles. A chiropractor works on the bones. Massage therapy works on the upper half of a muscle and a day later the pains are back, so you have to go back to them as well. Don’t know what reiki is.
Anyway, you have pinched muscles in your back. To get rid of the pain you have to free up the muscles, the one thing none of those other therapies will do for you. This should take care of your pain in one or two attempts and then not need follow ups week after week like the others. Here’s how you can free up your back muscles to get rid of that pain:
(do from a sitting position)
Place your left hand on your left leg next to your body. Place your right hand over your left shoulder, fingers over the back and the palm in the front and firmly pull down on them and hold. After 30 seconds slowly lower your body forward and to the outside of your left leg, keeping your left arm fairly straight as you do. When you reach your lap remain there for another 10 seconds, release the pressure but rest there for another 30 seconds. Then reverse your hand positions and do your right side.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.

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Spine Force for Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation – Dr. StevenShoshany Living Well Medical 632 Broadway Ste 303 New York, NY 10012 Living Well Medical, located in New York City, specializes in non invasive treatments for treating pain and discomfort. Using advanced techniques like the Graston Technique, Cold Laser Therapy, Ultrasound, and Chiropractic care. Along with Physical Therapy and many other integrated techniques, combined in to a personalized approach to treating each patient’s unique condition. The Spineforce is a cutting edge rehabilitation and srengthening system,that trains the deep postural muscles that support and stablize the spine. Using propreoceptively based stimulation and visual feedback, the spineforce is able to treat a variety of muscular imbalances , aid the rehabiltation process, and help prevent injury.


Love, respect the keys for award-winning physical therapy assistant

Filed under: cost for physical therapy

The number of positions in the industry is expected to increase by 46 percent nationwide, partly because they can do some of the work of a physical therapist at a lower cost. In 1996, he hung up his work boots and began helping the elderly as a …
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