Seeking Empathy, Straight Christian Posed as Gay for a Year: VIDEO
Seeking Empathy, Straight Christian Posed as Gay for a Year: VIDEO
Filed under: christian recovery
Invested in primary education: Through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act , invested heavily in elementary, secondary and post-secondary education. 48. Oversaw major expansion of broadband availability in K-12 schools nationwide 49. Oversaw …
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For an Armstrong Insider, a Passion for Cycling Gave Way to Corruption
Filed under: christian recovery
So Christian Vande Velde had to figure things out himself. That fall at the Vuelta a España, he received his first injection with the team — not of EPO, but of something the team doctor, Luis Garcia del Moral, called “recovery.” Del Moral said it …
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Dick B. 09 AA History & Christian Recovery: Misunderstood Roots – Alcoholics Anonymous History: Dick B. discusses how six major Christian roots of AA he has documented (the “Great Awakening of 1875 in St. Johnsbury, Vt.; the YMCA; the evangelists of the late 1800’s; the rescue missions; the Salvation Army; and Christian Endeavor) contrast with modern emphasis on the Washingtonians, the Emmanuel Movement, and the Oxford Group and Rev. Sam Shoemaker.
Tags: christian recovery, oxford group, christian science sentinel, drug abuse recovery, alcoholics anonymous, new york times, drug abuse