FDA Approves New Non-Invasive, Non-Ionizing Radiation Therapy to Treat Pain …
FDA Approves New Non-Invasive, Non-Ionizing Radiation Therapy to Treat Pain …
Filed under: toronto drug rehab centers
"The recent FDA approval of ExAblate for pain palliation will offer new options for cancer patients with crippling bone pain who are seeking pain-management options and are no longer eligible for radiation treatment," said Dr. Kobi Vortman, President …
Read more on Sacramento Bee
Box Office Preview: Cloudy with a Chance of Silence
Filed under: toronto drug rehab centers
While critics have generally been favorable towards the movie since its debut at the Toronto International–it's currently holding up an 80% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes at the time of this writing–it's still going to be a tough sell to mainstream …
Read more on ComingSoon.net
Social Impact Bonds Help Investors Bridge Philanthropy And Business Goals
Filed under: toronto drug rehab centers
Costa said these bonds could be effective in many areas, including job training, health care, foster services for at-risk kids, drug rehabilitation programs, and combating homelessness. "When times are good, we don't need to come up with new ways of …
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Tags: huffington post, drug rehabilitation programs, drug rehab center, drug rehab, rehabilitation programs