'Faustus' Aims to Help Youngsters Resist Drugs
'Faustus' aims to help youngsters resist drugs
Filed under: drug rehab statistics
The troupe plans to stage a three-act drama tentatively titled Young Faustus at 932 junior-high schools across the nation over the next three to five years to warn teenagers about the importance of refusing to “make deals with the devil of drug abuse …
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Victorian youths are using methamphetamine at alarming rates, police say
Filed under: drug rehab statistics
Official police crime statistics, to be released this week, will show a 21 per cent increase in all drug offences. Drug rehabilitation workers say there has been a similarly massive increase in the demand for their services to help with methamphetamine …
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California must fix criminally crowded prisons
Filed under: drug rehab statistics
According to the Huffington Post, overcrowding was such a big problem at the California Rehabilitation Facility in Riverside County in 2005 that hours went by before guards noticed an inmate who had been killed. I imagine the average person feels a …
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Tags: rehabilitation workers, drug abuse, huffington post, drug rehab