People Identify Symptoms of Depression More Readily in Women Than Men
People Identify Symptoms of Depression More Readily in Women Than Men
Filed under: clinical depression symptoms
Both were described in non-clinical terms as having identical symptoms of major depression, the only difference being their suggested gender. For example, a sample of the test reads, "For the past two weeks, Kate/Jack has been feeling really down.
Read more on Science Daily (press release)
Depression Linked to Hospital Admissions of Elderly Men
Filed under: clinical depression symptoms
In this study, the presence of clinically significant symptoms of depression in older men was associated with increased risk of hospital admission, higher number of readmissions, and longer use of services. Researchers from Australia, the UK, and the …
Read more on Healthline (blog)
Identifying The Common Clinically Depressed Symptoms – – Clinically Depressed Symptoms
Tags: clinical depression, depression symptoms, clinical depression symptoms, major depression, symptoms of depression