Christian Alcohol Rehab Center Is the Appropriate Option for Those Suffering From Alcoholism
Christian Alcohol Rehab Center is the appropriate option for those suffering from Alcoholism – An in-patient alcoholism treatment center is conducted in a private residential location. The objective of Christian Alcohol Rehabilitation center is the complete elimination of alcohol dependence through a faith based treatment in Rehab center. This is achieved by placing the patient in a secure setting that promotes rehabilitation.
New digs, bigger workload
The former Riverside Hospital — once an inpatient facility for drug and alcohol rehabilitation — has been updated and renovated thanks to some large, anonymous donations. Shortly before Christmas, the staffs of the county's Special Victims Unit … Read more on South Bend Tribune
Lancaster apartments will house recovering addicts, kids
It will be adjacent to the Recovery Center, which treats drug abusers and recently renovated and moved into the vacant former Lancaster Hardware & Supply building. “We wanted a campuslike … “I'm happy it's been scaled back, but bringing drug and … Read more on Columbus Dispatch
Tags: treatment center, alcohol rehabilitation, alcoholism treatment center, alcohol rehab center, alcohol dependence, drug and alcohol