Anyone Used the “Low Back Clinic” in Toronto?

Question by dc: Anyone used the “Low Back Clinic” in Toronto?
What were your resutls?
What were the costs?
Was there partial coverage by 3rd party insurance?
How long is each treatment session?
How many sessions were necessary??

Best answer:

Answer by Douglas B
I haven’t used it myself but after 30 years of physical therapy, chiropractors, and even acupuncture and none of them getting me any lasting help, I did find a way to release the muscles in my back that I did myself and have had great results since I did them. Because you can do it yourself I thought I would pass it along to you and hope you have as good of luck. Here is what I did:
Place your left hand on your left knee. Place your right hand over your left shoulder and with your fingertips find the muscle next to your spine. Press on it and hold. Relax, take a deep breath and exhale and don’t tense up any part of your body. After about 30 seconds there should be a release happening and when it does slowly lower yourself forward onto your right leg. If you can lean over the outside edge of your leg it will be better for your release. Continue holding for a total of one minute. Then release but rest your body there for one minute longer. Then reverse and do the right side.
That will release the muscles in your back and that means the pain should be released as well.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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