Alcoholism in Women on the Rise, but Few Seek Help

Alcoholism in women on the rise, but few seek help
Your mother, sister or daughter could be a closet drinker. You probably know it, perhaps consider it a dirty family secret and have run out of ways to camouflage the signs. It could be a matter of time before she's alcohol-dependent, and you'll either … Read more on Times of India

Dale Peterson Arrested After Restroom Break, Charged With Shoplifting
… the staircase asking for $ 118,00 (conveniently or coincidentally, nearly the same amount Mr. Ramsey received as a bonus that year), as well as no obvious signs of forced entry into the house, the evidence was overwhelmingly stacked against parents … Read more on


signs of alcoholism – Quick check to see if your friend is an alcoholic by DOCTOROFMINDMD, check this a few days after last drink


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