Anxiety Treatment | Natural Anxiety Treatment


Anxiety Treatment | Natural Anxiety Treatment – – Checkout Panic Away Today


Study might give the anxious less to fear
A new study by UF researchers has found a different region of the brain to help control anxiety or fear. This means people could have more control over their anxiety disorders or phobias. Other therapies exist to help with anxiety disorders and phobias … Read more on The Independent Florida Alligator

Health Notes
The Schofield Adult Wellness Center in the Schofield Residence Nursing Facility, 3333 Elmwood Ave., Town of Tonawanda, will host a free program titled “What You Can Do About ” at 11 a.m. Wednesday. Cheryl Eberl, licensed social … Read more on Buffalo News

Study finds value in ostracism when dealing with obnoxious people
It's also linked with negative outcomes for the person being shunned, including increased anxiety, withdrawal, diminished self-worth and reduced feelings of belonging. “The silent treatment is considered damaging because it threatens the connections we … Read more on Ottawa Citizen

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