My Mother Works for a Restaurant Chain, and Recently Got Hurt on the Job?
Question by Ebey: My mother works for a restaurant chain, and recently got hurt on the job?
She will be 63 in December, and she is wanting to semi retire, however, back in like december of 07 she got hurt on the job. She is a waitress, and the company she works for is kind of giving her a hard time due to the injury. She has been to the doctors that they wanted her to see, and they keep giving her the run around. She does physical therapy once a week, and is required to sit on an ice pack at least once an hour, everyday. The manager of her “store” is a real a s s hole, and she really believes that he is trying to get her to quit. The insurance company is supposed to pay her for lost tips, but they are only sending her roughly 200 dollars every 2 weeks. she used to make about 90 per day. She recently went to the E.R. cause she couldn’t stand the pain, and they ran some x rays on her back. The doc at the E.R said there is a disk that is completely shattered. None of the “companies” doctors have told her this before. it’s like they are lying to her
And now she believes more than ever that they just want her to quit. She has spoken to a lawyer, and he said she has no case. What do you guys think? I think she needs to talk to a different lawyer or something.
She got hurt by twisting her back while delivering food to a table, but she also feel once before cause some stupid other waitress spilled OJ on the floor and didn’t clean it up, and my mom, hauling ass to a table with a delivery, slipped on it. I live in “arizona, and my mom lives in Oregon, and I just want to go kick some ass, but obviously thats not the right thing to do.
Any help on this matter would be appreciated.
Best answer:
Answer by spawnofazazel
Seek legal advice from someone who specializes in personal injury and/or employment law. She should be able to collect unemployment or disability wages.
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Tags: the company, physical therapy