I Saw on TV Where People Could Bet on Stocks Based on Peoples Lives, How Can I Do That?

Question by poairysilvermoon: I saw on TV where people could bet on stocks based on Peoples Lives, how can I do that?
I saw on TV where people could bet on stocks based on People’s Lives. How can I do that? For example, you determine wither or not Britany Spears will go back to rehab or who will be president. How do it do that??? I can’t find it anywhere on the web???

Best answer:

Answer by Dämon Flammen s????????
of course you can not find it on the internet because it is not real are even true about what you are talking about at all ever i know you are really bored in don’t have any thing else better to do except make this up cause i just tried to search for what you are talking about in could not find any thing at all about what you really are talking about at all so please stop making things up ok in you did not see this on tv cause if this was true half a million people would be talking about the same thing you are which they are not s????????

Answer by tom
yea, i saw a report on that too. you can basically gamble on housing foreclosures. it was made illegal after the great depression market crash, and was just recently made legal a couple years ago.i don’t remember what they call it though.

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