Mark Pollock's Journey From Extreme Athlete to Spinal–cord Injury Patient
Mark Pollock's journey from extreme athlete to spinal–cord injury patient
He first flew to Southern California to meet with specialists at Project Walk, a rehabilitation center training patients with spinal cord injuries. The center's mission is to get patients like Pollock in optimum physical shape, hoping to promote the … Read more on Boston Globe
Spinal cord researchers to benefit from M investment from Rick Hansen …
“ICORD's scientists and clinicians have been working on many fronts in the quest to treat spinal cord injury, such as stimulating the re-growth of nerve fibres in the damaged cord, or re-training spared or re-grown nerve fibres through rehabilitation … Read more on University of British Columbia
Spinal Cord Injury Rehab with Moveo XP Concept Table – Patient with incomplete C5 quadriplegia (central cord syndrome) building leg strength with the concept table of Chattanooga Group’s Moveo XP and walking again.
Tags: southern california, rehabilitation center, british columbia, spinal cord injury