Alcohol Crisis Center to Merge July 1 With Sheridan Organization

Alcohol crisis center to merge July 1 with Sheridan organization
"And how do we provide a pathway for the clients served in the alcohol detox center." He added that the new program will work with the Riverton Police Department and the Sheriff's office while providing options for individuals. Gradual changes to the … Read more on The Ranger

Could Medicaid expansion decrease drug , save local taxpayer
Other areas he said could use additional funding include housing, prevention services, employment training, some detoxification services, and peer support programs,. Last year, Cuyahoga County taxpayers spent an estimated $ 5.8 million on 2,100 people … Read more on Plain Dealer

Do detox diets cleanse your body of toxins?
'I'm going on a detox," a friend said recently. Her plan was to cut out alcohol, caffeine and processed food, and live off a mix of fruit and vegetables, mainly as juice, and a cache of herbal supplements that promised to cleanse her body of toxins … Read more on The Age

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