Does It Bother You That People Tend to Celebrate Alcoholism and Your Life Has Been Affected By…?
Question by : Does it bother you that people tend to celebrate alcoholism and your life has been affected by…?
…an alcoholic?
Would it be just as apropos for them to celebrate any other disease? As a person who has either lost a loved one due to a substance abuse problem, or been affected in some other negative fashion, do you feel a twinge when you’re faced with celebratory behavior over something that has ruined so many lives?
Best answer:
Answer by sandy121648149
Bad question. They do not celebrate it. They just do it.
Answer by ChattyK
It is a legal drug, unfortunately, that ruins lives, destroys families, and causes needless automobile crashes. A law was passed ending the sale of this substance, I think the 19th amendment, and of course, the law was more honored in the breach than in the observance, plus spawned bloody gang battles, speak easies, and divisive behavior, and put people out of business. The best way to avoid individuals who abuse substances is to find like minded people, as there doesn’t seem to be a way to change a behavior that is not only ingrained in the culture but in religious customs as well.
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Alcohol Rehab – Alcohol abuse refers to the chronic consumption and craving for alcohol, so that it interferes in the normal social and economic functioning of the person. A…
Tags: alcohol abuse, automobile crashes, substance abuse problem, alcohol rehab