Eating Disorder Recovery Was Long, Painful Journey
Eating disorder recovery was long, painful journey
Adria Brochu, a former military nurse, had endured 38 electroshock treatments and at one time was on 12 different psychiatric medications during her inpatient and outpatient treatments for her eating disorder. Photograph by: Aaron Hinks/Daily News. Read more on Nanaimo Daily News
Sunnybrook initiative aims to guide families through the labyrinth of mental …
The wider, systemic problem for youth mental illness revolves around many factors: a serious lack of residential treatment centres, a shortage of child psychiatrists and long waiting lists for the scarce inpatient and outpatient facilities that do … Read more on The Globe and Mail
Selecting the right Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitales for you – . Once the word hospitales is pointed out, n…
Tags: daily news, treatment centre, outpatient treatment