My Dad Found My Pot…?

Question by Joe: my dad found my pot…?
he hasnt confonted me about it yet but i know 100% that he found it. i htink he did it when he was little too but hes dumb about that kidna stuff and that wont help my argument one bit. theres no way i can deny that its mine becasue it was in my truck, in a like…unbelivably good spot that no one, not even a friend ( i wouldnt blame it on friends anyway i am a man after all..) and yet my dad, being the nosy prick that he is, went under the back seat into where the spare tire stuff is and went under the instructions and found it. dont ask me WHY THE HELL he would feel the need to check the spare tire stuff now but he did and im screwed. so ya…no way to say “no idea, not mine” what should i do..

p.s. oh ya and to all the anti drug ppl. shut up. everyone and their grandmother smokes weed and alot of those people lead great lives (michael phelps; olympic swimmer even tho weed “supposedly” would make him have crappy lungs and yet he swims like a champ). so dont go all “see the light and go to rehab” crap. im not addicted i smoke maybe 3 times a month if that and im a straight A’s and B’s student so dont give me that BS that the gov feeds your ignorant mouths about how cannabis will lead me to doing cocaine or harder drugs or kill me. deaths caused by alcohol/cigarettes yearly – thousands , yet these both are legal. deaths ever caused by marijuana EVER, 0. sure some idiot was probably baked out of his mind and didnt have the common sense not to drive and may have gotten in an accident, but thats not from cancer or . … i just went all pro weed supporter on u guys haha. sorry
nana – i apologize that im only 17 and still in high school. i didnt realize that the 50 year old “kids” living in their parents houses werent men even tho they’re well…living with their parents still. i meant im not going to throw my friends under the bus. i apologize for being EVER so ignorant about manhood, im obviously some immature 10 year old that lives with his mommy and daddy still.

Best answer:

Answer by nana
if you were a “man” you wouldn’t be living at home so ur daddy can search though ur car.

Answer by abfabmom1
What you should do is keep your mouth shut, until he brings it up with you (after all, stoners have been known to misplace things now and again). Also, if you’re not acting stressed about it being gone, he may come to an alternative conclusion about how it got there (if you don’t miss it, maybe it’s not really yours).

If you’re the good student you say you are, he may not really care that much. It’s obviously not ruining your life, so he may be thinking that he shouldn’t try to fix what ain’t broke.

And then, if/when he does bring it up, just be honest. As you’ve said, there’s no denying it, so don’t even try.

And in the meantime, be aware of any unusual smells coming from your dad’s bedroom…

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