How Do You Know if You’re Suffering From Depression?
Question by xoqueenofheartsxo: How do you know if you’re suffering from depression?
Hi all! I just wanted to ask a question. How do you know if you’re suffering from depression? I have lost some interest in things that I have liked to do in the past and have felt fatigued recently. I recently got out of an abusive relationship which I believe peaked out what may have been already there. I also feel quite out of control in my life sometimes, although I feel in control at other times. All I want to do is sit on my couch and watch tv. Drinks and dinner with friends and other things I used to love to do seem to take a back burner to sitting and watching TV anymore. I took a depression quiz online and it said that I tested “Very High” for Depression. I had some, but not all of the symptoms. I really don’t know what to do because I am dependent on my parents and they don’t believe that I could possibly be going through depression. My university offers free counseling (psychology and psychiatry) to students in need. I really want to go, but I’m so scared about my parents finding out. I also don’t know what to do if they write me a prescription for some reason. I couldn’t put that on my insurance because my parents could never find out. I could pay out of pocket for the medication, however, if it wasn’t too expensive (like say less than $ 20/month). I would rather not get treatment and just deal with how I’m feeling than have them find out. Does anyone have any advice for me? Anything is appreciated. Blessings, Angelina <3
Best answer:
Answer by M
It sounds to me like you are suffering from depression. Fatigue, loss of interest in doing things that you once enjoyed doing, and the desire to do nothing more than sit and stare at the TV all sound like depression. I’m sure you found other symptoms in the online quiz. You don’t have to have all the symptoms to be depressed.
I think you should avail yourself of the free services offered by your university. You just got out of an abusive relationship, and that can do a number on your emotions. Counseling can help this tremendously. I think a visit to a psychiatrist for some medication is in order, too. The way insurance works, you would pay the co-pay, but your parents would not be notified that you are getting prescriptions filled. When you go to the doctor, a statement is received showing how much was paid to the provider, but it doesn’t work that way for prescriptions. No statements of any kind are ever sent to the house. You probably have a prescription deductible, probably $ 100, after which your prescriptions would be $ 10-$ 15/month. This means that you would have to pay the first $ 100 of your prescriptions’ cost for the year, then each one would cost only $ 10-$ 15, or however much generic prescriptions cost on your plan. Brand name drugs cost more. If you decide to pay out-of-pocket for your prescriptions, the cheapest place to get them filled is Wal-Mart.
Do call for an appointment and get treatment for this. It’s a treatable illness. Don’t suffer when you don’t have to. All the best to you.
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Tags: depression quiz, suffering from depression