Do You Think the Movie a Beautiful Mind Potrayed Schizophrenia Good or Not Why?

Question by Caspper: Do you think the movie A Beautiful Mind potrayed Schizophrenia good or not why?
I am a psychology major in school and my professor asked students this question Do you think the movie A Beautiful Mind potrayed Schizophrenia good or not and Why.? I want to know your opinion. Thank You.

Best answer:

Answer by §?FiReBreathin ButterFly?§
yes, it showed how it effected a briliiant man but remember it effects others in a different way

Answer by whitty_bug097
I belive what you meant to say was “Do you think the movie ‘A Beautiful Mind’ potrayed Schizophrenia well? Why or why not?”
Yes, I think it was very well-portrayed; I’ve never been schizophrenic, but I would imagine that it would be very hectic and stressful, as the movie shows.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



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