Wrap Up Investigation, Already
Wrap up investigation, already
We don't know exactly what state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has been looking for in his investigation of Peter Young Housing, Industries and Treatment, or what he has found. But we sure wish he'd make it quicker, or the organization won't survive. Read more on Schenectady Gazette
Editorial: War on drugs needs a different approach
Treatment would also mean recovering addicts would contribute to the economy by getting jobs and paying bills. How can they contribute when they are behind bars? We talk about people not being dependent on government for their lives, but people who … Read more on Kingsport Times News
Program changing lives of residents at Northern Lights Nursing Home
In September, NLS, a non-profit facility which includes a nursing home, assisted living apartments and a rehab center, was awarded a grant through the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) to become trained and certified in the Music & Memory … Read more on Ashland DAily Press
Tags: war on drugs, department of health, nursing home, rehab center