Surgery Breakthrough for Depression


Surgery breakthrough for depression – A radical new brain operation is having striking and unexpected success in patients with severe and chronic depression.


Study Implicates Depression Screens in Overprescribing Meds
Researchers were concerned that the questionnaires might lead to prescriptions for antidepressant medication being given to those who aren't depressed. Antidepressants can be effective in treating moderate to severe depression but can have significant … Read more on

Robin Williams Suicide Shines Light on PD, Depression Link
Williams' suicide also has raised questions about whether the medications he may have been taking for PD or depression played a part in his death. Antidepressants have been associated with suicidality in a small group of patients during initial … Read more on Pharmacy Practice News

Depression Surveys Linked To Unnecessary Antidepressant Prescriptions
And "brief depression symptom measures," the self-administered questionnaires are used in settings to determine the frequency and severity of depression symptoms among patients, are being linked to antidepressant medications being … Read more on Science 2.0

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