Depression in the Nursing Home (Mental Health Guru)


Depression in the Nursing Home (Mental Health Guru) – Despite the perception that being elderly leads to being lonely and sad, clinical depression is a mental illness that is not “normal” in anyone. http://menta…


Family Practice Q & A
Almost one-fifth of Americans do daily battle with crippling, , a large new survey reveals, with the elderly and women struggling the most. Almost one-fifth of Americans do daily battle with crippling, chronic pain, a large new survey … Read more on KAIT

Gahanna churches' coalition offers clothing, food to people in need
The depression that set in was worse than the pain in her back. “Oh, my God, it was … GRIN also organizes a program that helps other area organizations and businesses “adopt” needy families for Christmas and provides help for the elderly and disabled. Read more on Columbus Dispatch

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