Woman Thought Baby Her Was DEPRESSED – but He Had Hormone Deficiency

Woman thought baby her was DEPRESSED – but he had hormone deficiency
The aim of growth hormone therapy is to treat growth hormone deficiency by returning the child to the normal growth curve so reaching the height that would be expected taking into account parents' height and other factors. Growth hormone replacement … Read more on Daily Mail

Parental Reflective Functioning: An Approach to Enhancing Parent-child
To foster healthy parent-child relationships, HCPs must develop the expertise to integrate approaches that support the family's socioemotional health into pediatric primary care. This article suggests ways in which pediatric HCPs can integrate a focus … Read more on Medscape

Campaign ramps up to lift statute of limitations on child abuse complaints
The high court ruling, which was upheld by the in July this year, ordered an uncle of the plaintiff, in her 40s, to pay her about ¥30 million ($ 246,000), including ¥20 million in damages and ¥9 million to cover medical costs for treating … Read more on The Japan Times

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