“A Panel Investigating NASA Found a Heavy Use of Alcohol by Astronauts Before Launches?

Question by From ABOVE: “A panel investigating NASA found a heavy use of alcohol by astronauts before launches?
“A panel investigating NASA found a heavy use of alcohol by astronauts before launches. In at least two occasions, astronauts were allowed to fly while so intoxicated that they actually posed a health risk. Maybe that’s why they call it the Kennedy Space Center.”
What do you think?

Best answer:

Answer by newtonman
i’d want to be unconcious too if i was about to go mach 10

Answer by modernneanderthal
I heard the replacement chimps were drunk as well! Hey, it’s not like they actually fly the thing. That’s all done by computers & computers are controlled by programmers & programmers are all stoners!
So in the end “It just doesn’t matter!” LOL

Add your own answer in the comments!


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