A Puncher's Chance: A Response to Nathan Kalman-Lamb's 'Hitting Like a Girl'

A puncher's chance: A response to Nathan Kalman-Lamb's 'Hitting Like A Girl'

Filed under: James Frey drug abuse

James Frey's A Million Little Pieces is the flag-bearer for this movement – but there is a boatload of these clowns. Frey is a rich-kid frat boy who claimed a life of unbelievable , violence, Mafia relationships and general chaos …
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On Desert America: Boom and Bust in the New Old West

Filed under: James Frey drug abuse

As far as writing about addiction, I am struck by how “American” a trope that is. We do like our addicts, though we can also crucify them if they lie to us (James Frey). I did decide early on that I would write about my addiction with circumspection …
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