Accused Colarado Gunman Sought Mental Illness Help
Accused Colarado gunman sought mental illness help – Accused Colarado gunman sought mental illness help The mother of a Colorado shooting victim attends her son’s funeral. The 18-year-old was one of 12 people g…
Georgia Lawmakers Debate Easing Gun Laws For Those Treated For Mental …
Legislators in Georgia's House voted 117-56 on Thursday to allow people who have voluntarily sought inpatient treatment for mental illness or substance abuse to get licenses. The same bill would force officials to check on whether applicants have … Read more on Huffington Post
Parents to Congress: Police no solution to mental illness
“We tell our daughters and our sons, 'Oh, you are sick but we are not going to help you until you become dangerous.' Then when they become dangerous we blame and punish them,” Fairfax, Va. writer Pete Earley told the hearing on mental illness. “In that … Read more on (blog)
'Outlast' Gets Help From Mental Illness Researchers
'Outlast' Gets Help From Mental Illness Researchers. by Rainier on March 7, 2013 @ 8:28 a.m. PST. Outlast is a survival-horror game where the player, as an independent journalist, are sent in to investigate a recently re-opened home of the mentally ill. Read more on
Tags: substance abuse, mental illness research, huffington post, mental illness