Acne Problems, but Regular Meds Aggravate Chronic Depressive Disorder?
Question by ferrisulf: Acne problems, but regular meds aggravate chronic depressive disorder?
I am suffering from what I now believe is either nodular acne or a mild form of cystic acne. Everything the dermatologist has recommended has aggravated a chronic condition I have called unipolar disorder (similar to bipolar 2) At its worst the unipolar disorder makes me suicidal. I have found ways to keep it in check for the most part, but these medications make the depression come back.
Does anyone know of more holistic treatments for nodular or cystic acne? I’ve been doing a much healthier diet for over a year, vitamins, and supplements. I need something that does not include “depression” and “suicidal tendencies” as a possible side effect. This acne is very painful and embarrassing but I am not willing to lose the mental stability I have. I was suicidal before and am not willing to go there ever again. Any advice would be Greatly appreciated.
Accutane has AWFUL side effects (depression and suicide are both common with it). I have tried meds that are not even as powerful as that and the depression came back. I’m not willing to try that drug.
Best answer:
Answer by Saye Trinidad
there is a cream called duac , worked amazingly! acutaine failed and this cream does miracles also doxcylince if you can take that , doctors always seam to go for the (powers drugs) missing the ones that are simple effective and safe.
Answer by Tink
Topical retinoids shouldn’t aggravate depression. Have you tried those? Yeah, they can be very drying, and it can take months to get the dose up to a therapeutic range comfortably, but what else would you be doing in that time?
The other product I would suggest is hibiclenz surgical scrub. It kills the bacteria on the skin, and is not a systemic antibiotic, and the bacteria cannot become immune to it.
Edit: Accutane is a systemic retinoid and well known for depression. Never mind the spam bots ;)
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Tags: alternative treatments, ipolar disorder, chronic pain