Adrian Peterson Prepares to Return to Washington 9 Months After Knee Injury

Adrian Peterson prepares to return to Washington 9 months after knee injury

Filed under: frazier rehab center

Peterson's optimism was met with a skeptical eye, but the determined runner threw himself into a rehab program that allowed him to return for the 2012 opener. Glimpses of the old Peterson have steadily started to reappear over the last few weeks …
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Filed under: frazier rehab center

The hope rehabilitation, not surgery, will get starting split end Jerome Simpson back on the field sooner than later. In an interview with 1500 ESPN's "Judd & Phunn" show on Wednesday morning, Vikings coach Leslie Frazier confirmed …
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Practice notes: Dealing with the grind (includes video of Hugh Freeze)

Filed under: frazier rehab center

Bo Wallace's sister, Baylee, made it through a six-hour surgery better than expected. Doctors are optimistic she'll make a full recovery, though the rehab process will be arduous. Auburn may name a starting quarterback tonight, between Kiehl Frazier …
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Bo “Denver” Heriges channels Garth Brooks – Bo thrives because of the therapists at Frazier Rehab Center. Here’s a bit of Bo singing “The River” on WHAS-TV’s Great Day Live show.


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