Alcohol Addiction: Effects of Alcohol Addiction and Treatment
Alcohol addiction refers to compulsive need to use alcohol or to engage in obsessive behavior focusing on consumption of alcohol to the exclusion of all other aspects of life. A person may have gotten into addiction simply by starting out as drinking for fun and then drinking more and more till the compulsion overshadowed the pleasure. Some started drinking as a means of getting relief from a stressed out lifestyle or as a means of solace. The end result is the same: addiction to alcohol. Alcohol addiction has numerous effects which encompass each and every aspect of an addict’s life. Below is a list of potential effects as result of alcohol consumption:
Physical effects: The alcohol addiction physically affects an individual’s vital body organs causing pancreatic, insulin resistance, liver cirrhosis, heart diseases, alcoholic dementia and nutritional deficiencies. In extreme cases of addiction it could lead to death.
Economic effects: The addict may loose his job due to which addict and his family members would face severe financial problems.
Social Effects: The addict will be socially alienated from family members, friends and society because of his intolerable social behavior.
Legal consequences: Usually the addicts get into several problems because of their behavior or actions in public places.
Other than the above mentioned potential aspects there are several other effects on an addict. In case of alcohol addiction not only addict, but even his family members will experience difficult consequences like domestic violence on wife and children. But by admitting an alcohol addict into addiction treatment center at the earliest, addict can be cured from his dependency. Later even he will be able to lead a normal life in society just like others.
However, an addict can’t abruptly discontinue his habit of consuming alcohol. Suppose if he were to do that then it would lead to several complications like convulsions, shakes, seizures and hallucinations. In some of the cases it would result in death and heart failure. Consequently because of alcohol addictions critical nature, signs and symptoms; it is advised that withdrawal process must be conducted, controlled and supervised by a detoxification expert at addiction treatment center.
The treatment for alcohol abuse includes management of physical symptoms alongside bringing about behavioral changes. This can be achieved by adopting several therapeutic treatments ranging from psychotherapy to medications. Natltrexone and Antabuse are the two main medications used in addiction treatment. Natltrexone helps in diminishing physical cravings related to addiction and Antabuse creates an adverse chemical reaction when an addict ingests alcohol during or after treatment. Vitamin B12 and folate are recommended by physicians in order to overcome damaging effects of alcohol on liver. All the above mentioned processes are carried out in addiction centers under their alcohol-free environment.
Normally alcohol addicts struggle a lot in an attempt to come out of their addiction, to lead a better life. Majority of the professionals feel that relapse is a part of learning process and it’s essential that an addict goes through it to attain complete abstinence from addiction. In addition the addiction center offer life training session and social support to addicts during their treatment. Alcohol addiction treatment centers offer various routes to recovery. Some offer the 12 step program based on Alcoholics Anonymous program which is based on having a life free of addiction through surrender to a supreme power. This works for the spiritually inclined. Some may need coping skills to help them manage their life and problems better. And some need to be motivated to get them going on the path to a fulfilled life. In effect a change is brought about by the treatments at alcohol addiction treatment centers.
Find more information on Priviate Drug Treatment. Helpful and informative information on Addiction Treatment Center is available.
Article Source:
Alcohol Addiction – Alcohol Addiction – Here’s a testimony from our friends at Biblica. For more, please visit: Alcohol Addiction – What is alcoholism? Alcohol addiction is simply defined as a compulsive need for an intoxicating liquid that is obtained from fermented grain or fruit. These liquids include beer, wine, and other hard liquors. Alcoholism is present when a person craves alcohol and cannot limit or contain his or her drinking. If someone experiences withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, sweating, shakiness, or anxiety when alcohol consumption has ceased, or if there is a need to drink greater amounts of alcohol in order to feel a high, that person is most likely alcoholic. Some may think that its just a matter of having the will to stop drinking, but alcoholism is more complicated than that. An alcoholics craving for alcohol is so great that it suppresses their ability to stop drinking. The majority of alcoholics need assistance to stop drinking. With treatment and support from family and friends, many have been able to stop drinking and rebuild their lives. It is a sad fact however that there are still some who are unable to stop in spite of these aids. Alcohol Addiction – What are the causes and effects of alcoholism? Scientists say that someone who has alcoholic addiction in his/her family is more likely to develop alcoholism if they choose to drink. Alcoholism can also develop or worsen based on a persons environment and traumatic experiences in …
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Tags: treatment programs, addiction treatment center, heart disease, heart failure, treatment program, drug and alcohol