Alcohol, Drug Counselor Brenda Wiewel Helps Change Lives, One Addict at a Time

Alcohol, drug counselor Brenda Wiewel helps change lives, one addict at a time
It offers a range of services, including dealing with family violence, mental health and HIV/AIDS. During Wiewel's tenure, L.A. CADA recently moved its Allen House residential drug and alcohol treatment center to a larger facility next to the nonprofit … Read more on San Gabriel Valley Tribune

Saint Jude Retreats Reacts to Brooke Mueller in Drug Rehab for 19th Time
The program is the only effective alternative to alcohol rehab and drug treatment centers and is currently 85% more effective than treatment. The program is endorsed by internationally acclaimed professionals and addiction research authors such as Prof. Read more on (press release)

New center to offer adolescent program in Tucson
The Haven will now offer residential, intensive out-patient and out-patient drug and alcohol treatment for women, men, and adolescent girls and boys, representatives state. "The Tucson community has needed this service for a long time," stated … Read more on KVOA Tucson News


Drug Addiction Substance dependence Intervention 12 Step Program Part 1 – The section about substance dependence in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (more specifically, the 2000 “text revision”, the DSM-IV-TR) does not use the word addiction at all. It explains: When an individual persists in use of alcohol or other drugs despite problems related to use of the substance, substance dependence may be diagnosed. Compulsive and repetitive use may result in tolerance to the effect of the drug and withdrawal symptoms when use is reduced or stopped. This, along with Substance abuse are considered Substance Use Disorders


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