Arch Enemy: Plantar Fasciitis Truly a Pain

Arch enemy: Plantar fasciitis truly a pain
The primary symptom of plantar fasciitis is pain on the bottom of the heel and in the arch of the foot. Without treatment, the pain intensifies over time. For some people, the pain is worse after they've been sitting or standing for long periods. It's … Read more on Pueblo Chieftain

From Scans, Doctors 3D Print Custom Heart Wraps to Deliver Treatments
Recently, a somewhat more modest medical device — and one that could find its way relatively quickly into treatment protocols — was created using 3D printing. Researchers Igor Efimov from Washington University in St. Louis and John Rogers from … Read more on Singularity Hub

Monitoring units only 'tip of iceberg' when it comes to epilepsy care
As the patient momentarily loses control, it can be difficult to decipher what exactly is happening and how long the seizure will last. This is why it is … “Epilepsy monitoring is required for patients with highly complex and often treatment … Read more on

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