Are You a Believer Who Understands There Is a Difference Between a Christian and Biblical Counselor?

Question by JustMaybe: Are you a Believer who understands there is a difference between a Christian and Biblical counselor?
Belivers should not assume, because someone attends Church and calls themselves a “Christian Counselor”, they are filled with the Holy Spirit and counsel according to scripture.

Most Christian counselors, not all, but most, are simply traditional psychologists or counselors who treat clients based on what they’ve learned from human education about mental illness and psychology, and have attempted to blend those beliefs with their seminary or religous teachings. Also, their clients are based on whom can “afford” to see them.

In contrast, Biblical Counselors, begin each session with prayer, counsel solely from scripture, free of human opinion and interpretation, and rely on prayer and guidance of the Holy Spirit when counseling a Believer.

Also, they are usually non-profit, which means those who can’t afford to pay because they lack insurance or income are not turned away. If you’re a Christian what are your thoughts on this?
Also, many who call themselves “Christian Counselors”, don’t even believe God, Satan, or Jesus were real. They believe the Bible is just a symbolic guide book of moral and social codes. So use discernment.
Spiritroaming, as your name and profile convey, you have been floating from religion to religion, and denomination to denomination, which is why you do not understand it’s possible to counsel according to the Bible, without adding your own opinions. Religion has nothing to do with being a Christian.
Perdu you need to elaborate on your question. The foundation of most Christian counselors can be confirmed by simply asking what their credentials are, and what type of counseling they provide. A Christian counselor can not be accredited and receiving payment for services, without utilizing the knowledge they’ve been taught in psychological colleges or training schools. It’s really that simple.
NH statistics have shown, that the majority of people go through a handful of therapists before even receiving a correct diagnosis, or they are severely over-medicated. Psychology is very subjective, which means thepersonality and opinion of the therapist is a huge factor in how counseling is provided. I understand that some are in need of meds depending on their illness, but one must be very careful with man-made counseling if you are a Christian.
Mypreshus the majority of your questions, are not posted to receive an answer, but to simply collect a high number of answers, which explains why the link you spammed concerning penguins and possibly others were deleted, or you’ve voiced your opinion in the majority of your questions before asking “what do you think”?.

Yet you criticize my question? Although I’ve shared my opinion, my question was posted to find out how many people were aware that Christian and were different. That is a legitimate question. It was only appropriate that a description of each be provided for clarity in my post, for those who were not aware of the differences.
OutofBlue, Biblical Counseling has existed for over 2000 years. However, many place more importance on psychology, and other practices, so you rarely hear of it. Biblical counseling simply means one allows the Holy spirit to guide the Believer in need. The biblical counselor is only to counsel from God’s word, pray with the Believer, and provide encouragment and gentleness. That CAN be done without offering personal advice and suggestions.
OutofBlue, here is an example: If you saw your next door neighbor in tears because her roommate was constantly insulting her. Could you not counsel and encourage her, without expressing personal opinions regarding the roommate? Through your biblical counseling and prayer, the Holy Spirit would direct and guide your neighbor on what choices and decisions to make. That is why the Holy Spirit dwells within us. To teach, correct, advise, and more.
Amen Full Gospel! Without guidance from the Holy Spirit we can all be easily led astray, and I agree, if a counselor is truly led by God, their counsel will be Biblical acording to scripture.

Best answer:

Answer by spiritroaming
It is never ‘free’ from personal opinion and interpretation.

Ahhh, I see – you are an arrogant (fill in the blank) who really had no question to begin with. It is never ‘free’ from personal opinion and interpretation.

Gee darn, no one agrees with you! Hurry, go look at their profiles so you can think of something insulting to say to them too – quickly!! LOL

Answer by F. Perdurabo
What exactly do you base your evidence on?


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ELTV: Pt. 3 The effect of Counseling in today’s world – 3 Christian counselors came on the program to share their perspective on the effect and importance of counseling in today’s world. Why is counseling important, when should one decide to seek professional help, and does it really make a difference. 1) Dennis L. Gibson, Ph.D.Counseling Psychologist Wheaton Counseling Associates, 2) Lynsey Steiner MA LCPC Counsel Care Connection, PCAnger Management Institute and 3) Dr. Juliet Caceres, Individual and family therapist. Meier Clinics, Timberline knolls


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