Bipolar Disorder and Depression
Bipolar Disorder and Depression – Many people who are suffering from bipolar depression disorder are convinced that their lives are over after their doctors diagnosed their condition. Some of these people simply cannot shake off the disorder as fast as they want. The whole idea of not having control over their mental health often propelled some sufferers to that dreadful downward spiral movement which can be difficult to stop. Fortunately, bipolar depression disorder is manageable and people who are suffering from this type of disorder can lead good lives if they put their hearts and minds into it. With the right bipolar depression treatment, anybody who is suffering from bipolar depression disorder can get back on their feet and be happy.
Rep. Jesse Jackson out of clinic for bipolar depression treatment
Filed under: bipolar depression treatment
Jesse Jackson Jr. has checked out of the Mayo Clinic, where he was being treated for bipolar depression, and is now back in Washington with his family, his chief of staff said Friday. The 47-year-old Jackson had not been on Capitol Hill since late May.
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Giving lithium to those who need it
Filed under: bipolar depression treatment
Lithium is a 'gold standard' drug for treating bipolar disorder, however not everyone responds in the same way. New research published in BioMed Central's open access journal Biology of Mood & Anxiety Disorders finds that this is true at the levels of …
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Tags: mental health, bipolar depression, mayo clinic, jesse jackson