/C O R R E C T I O N — Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc./
/C O R R E C T I O N — Alcohol Monitoring Systems, Inc./
Filed under: alcohol and abuse
Strange was part of a 4 month pilot program in the Kansas City Municipal Veterans Court that allowed combat veterans diagnosed with alcohol abuse issues to wear 24/7 monitoring bracelets. The pilot, run by Blue Springs-based Electronic Sentencing …
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Addiction counselors tolerate moderate substance abuse in patients
Filed under: alcohol and abuse
The survey of 913 members of the National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Counselors from the USA showed that approximately 50% of respondents believe it would be acceptable if their alcohol abuse clients wanted to limit their drinking …
Read more on News-Medical.net
Alcohol and Abuse – www.adhd1.net Elwood, Steven and Jerry advise kids to get help if a parent or other person hurts them or abuses alcohol
Tags: drug addiction, addiction counselors, alcohol abuse, addiction counselor, drug addict