Can the Memory of Lincoln Still Unite a Nation?

Can the memory of Lincoln still unite a nation?
Mary, though often vivacious, suffered from mental illness, possibly bipolar disorder, and would sometimes embarrass him with her outbursts. But he was a good raconteur, he enjoyed a joke, using humour to ease conflict and cement friendships, and he … Read more on Scotsman

Addiction not a disease
When pseudo-scientific busy bodies called psychiatrists decided that certain behaviours, now termed addictions, were the result of incurable brain diseases, which needed urgent medical treatment – for the rest of the patient's life. However, even today … Read more on

Inhalant Approved for Agitation in Bipolar I, Schizophrenia
The US (FDA) has approved loxapine ( Adasuve , Alexza Pharmaceuticals) inhalation powder 10 mg for the acute treatment of agitation associated with schizophrenia or bipolar I disorder in adults. An estimated 3.2 million … Read more on Medscape


Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms and Treatments — Arleen Fitzgerald — UHC TV – Mental Health expert Arleen Fitzgerald provides an overview of bipolar disorder symptoms and treatments. To ask your question about mental and emotional health, visit http


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