Christian Alcohol Treatment Center – Los Angeles, California Treatment for Alcoholism
Christian Alcohol Treatment Center – Los Angeles, California Treatment for Alcoholism – After leaving treatment with a regiment schedule often the recovering person struggles with goal setting and time management. It has been our experience that they feel as though that time away has been lost. They leave treatment with the intention of rushing around and getting their affairs back in order. But often enough what happens is they become overwhelmed. At Transformations we teach the client how to prioritize their daily tasks as to lower the stress involved with accomplishing what is important. Also addressed in the importance of not becoming “bored or complacent”. It is important for the recovering persona to find a healthy balance in their life be it work, school or volunteering their time. For More Information Please Give Us a Call at 1-866-211-5538.
Alcoholics asked to help with relapse-related survey
James F. Davis, CAS, Board Certified Interventionist and founder of a drug rehab center, has asked people in recovery to participate in the survey in order to develop a better understanding of why addicts relapse, and to develop more effective … Read more on
Open House
Information will be available on various offerings, including: business, entrepreneurial and computer training; Certified Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor training program; clean energy and sustainability; complementary, wellness and allied … Read more on Saugerties Post Star
Tags: substance abuse, substance abuse counselor, drug rehab center