Christian Counselor and Relationship Advice?

Question by miriah: and Relationship advice?
i am 17 and a newer christian. my boyfriend is training to be a TACP in the air force, he is twenty and also a brand new christian. i badly need a youth leader figure for help and guidance. i have alot of questions and my boyfriend does to. we cant attend the same church being he is in texas and i am in missouri until his schooling is done. we plan to get engaged within a year. and i want to know where i find someone who will answer my questions, maybe to some gmail video or skype counceling with us about our future, and christ being our focus. this means so much…i dont want to mess up. if you can help, please do!!!!

Best answer:

Answer by Neat Guy
If you truly love him then go to him and be with him forever and God will bless all the fruits of your ways as you are together forever. You can also find your nearest Catholic Priest and get his advice for they are trained well in these areas of human bonding.-Jesus Christ

Answer by Falmaata T
I was borned In a muslim family and used to be practising islam.when I was in class nine my thinking and view started changing.I started study about how religion was created and spreaded throughtout the world then,I could understand not only quran there is no religious scripture or any book that is come from any supernatural power or any God.Every Religious book or scripture was written by human being. Even the idea of God come’s from the human brain . When I was studying about quran and sharia law I was shocked and amazed to see what’s a barbaric ,stupid law in there.I can’t take it easy.And I was shocked when I could deeply know about Mohammed life story.

Religions frequently promote inbred social networks. You’re encouraged to spend more time with people who share the same belief system while disengaging from those with incompatible beliefs. Sometimes this is done subtly; other times it’s more obvious.

If you’re one of the saved, blessed, or otherwise enlightened individuals who stumbled upon the one true belief system, then supposedly everyone else remains in the dark. Certain religions are overtly intolerant of outsiders, but to one degree or another, all major religions cast non-subscribers in a negative light. This helps to discourage members from abandoning the religion while still enabling them to proselytize. The main idea is to maintain social structures that reward loyalty and punish freedom of thought.

This us-vs-them prejudice is totally incongruent with conscious living. It’s also downright moronic from a global perspective. But it remains a favored practice of those who pull the strings. When you’re taught to distrust other human beings, fear gets a foothold in your consciousness, and you become much easier to control.

When you join a religion, your fellow mind-slaves will help to keep you in line, socially rewarding your continued obedience while punishing your disloyalty. Why do they do this? It’s what they’ve been conditioned to do. Tell your religious friends that you’re abandoning their religion because you want to think for yourself for a while, and watch the sparks fly. Suddenly you’ve gone from best friend to evil demon. There’s no greater threat to religious people than to profess your desire to think for yourself.

There are better ways to enjoy a sense of community than joining a slavery club. Try making friends with conscious, free-thinking people for a change — people who are willing to connect with you regardless of how silly your beliefs are. You may find it intimidating at first, but it’s quite refreshing once you get used to it.

Blessed are the poor (donate heavily). Blessed are the meek (obey). Blessed are the humble (don’t question authority). Blessed are the hungry (make us rich while you starve). Blessed are the merciful (if you catch us doing something wrong, let it go). Blessed are the pure of heart (switch off your brain). Blessed are the timid, the cowardly, the fearful. Blessed are those who give us their power and become our slaves. Muahahaha!

That’s the kind of nonsense religion pushes on people. They train you to turn your back on courage, strength, and conscious living. This is stupidity, not divinity.

Religion will teach you to fear being different, to fear standing up for yourself, and to fear being an independent thinker. It will erode your self-trust by explaining why you’re unable to successfully manage life on your own terms: You are unworthy. You’re a sinner. You’re unclean. You belong to a lesser caste. You are not enlightened. Of course the solution is always the same — submit to the will of an external authority. Believe that you’re inadequate. Give away your power. Follow their rules and procedures. Live in fear for the rest of your life, and hope it will all turn out okay in the end.

When you practice faith instead of conscious living, you live under a cloak of fear. Eventually that cloak becomes so habitual you forget it’s even there. It’s very sad when you reach the point where you can’t even remember what it feels like to wield creative freedom over your own life, independent of what you’ve been conditioned to believe.

Faith is the coward’s substitute for courage. It’s also really good marketing if you’re the one who controls the faith. If you’re afraid or unwilling to assume total responsibility for your life, you’re a perfect match for religion.

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