Confession: I Am an Alcoholic, I Have Been Very Good at Hiding It, How Do I Assure Them, That I Need Help?

Question by This girl: Confession: I am an alcoholic, I have been very good at hiding it, how do I assure them, that I need help?
I drink as much as I can, I am a young mother, my children our young, I have found a treatment facility that includes your children in your recovery, but since I have been AMAZING at hiding my alcoholism, all of my family and friends keep telling me that I could probably stop with “outpatients” or “you do not need to stop drinking entirely, you are fun to drink with”, the catch 22 is these are the same people who tell me, when I am openly drunk around them, that I “shouldnt drink so much” or
“you cant handle your alcohol” or you are a “mean drunk”, I know what they say is true, but the thing is, I CANNOT STOP DRINKING! even when I try, I cannot, I feel that. for my children, I should get help, and not to feel ashamed, since in the long run, they are going to be much happier, but I have everyone around me, in a sense, criticizing me for wanting to get this help! I am confused, I know I do not tell them all, but I still feel that they should see I am asking for help, and embrace it, ??

Best answer:

Answer by Paul R
screw them all and get your help at least your not in deniel like i was sober now for five years and everyday still a struggle im glad u doin it for you and your kids real peopel who love you would support sucjh a brave decision good luck you could be fun sober to

Answer by t0mij02
u need help
it doesn’t matter what they think
if you know you need help get help now
better yourself for you, your family and friends.
drinkers hate to lose fellow drinkers.

good luck

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Chatfield Police Department
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