Depression Rehab, Depression Treatment – Malibu Horizon Center


Depression Rehab, Depression Treatment – Malibu Horizon Center – Malibu Horizon is the leading alcohol drug depression rehab treatment center in the United States. Unlike other depression drug alcohol rehab treatment centers, Malibu Horizon is the leader because they treat each person as a unique individual. They specialize in which often co-occur with drug addiction and/or alcoholism


Jesse Jackson Jr. Bypass Likely Unrelated to Bipolar Disorder

Filed under: depression rehab

Jesse Jackson Jr., who is undergoing treatment for bipolar II depression, may have had struggled with mood issues even before 2004 gastric bypass surgery, according to medical experts. But they dismissed speculation that the common procedure for weight …
Read more on ABC News


Revealed: How Jesse Jackson Jr became so depressed he COLLAPSED before

Filed under: depression rehab

'He called and told me not to worry, but it was obvious he was suffering from a form of depression,' Mrs. Jackson said. 'So Yusef took him at my suggestion to the Sierra Tucson Treatment Center in Arizona, where they specialize in mental health.' …
Read more on Daily Mail


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