Detox Center in Virginia | Addiction Recovery Center VA | Treatment Programs VA


Detox Center in Virginia | Center VA | Treatment Programs VA – Virginia Detox Treatment, utilizes safe and medically proven methods, providing a customized p…


Vt. gov. to substance abuse treatment program
Peter Shumlin will be holding a press conference in Burlington on the expansion of an early intervention and treatment program for young adults at risk of alcohol and drug abuse. The event will be held at 11:15 Friday at the Community Health Center. Read more on

(Victoria Will) All the time is the right time to talk to your kids about
If you haven't talked to your kids about substance abuse, this is a good time to start. How soon should you start talking to your kids about drugs? Now, says Lee Beers, a pediatrician with Children's National Medical Center. “Even the younger kids will … Read more on Washington Post

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