Do You Believe When These Celebrities or Politicians Say They Are Alcoholics and Then Get Out of Trouble?
Question by Bryson: Do you believe when these celebrities or politicians say they are alcoholics and then get out of trouble?
I have met real alcoholics and they do not look like those people. The real ones do not look like Lindsey Lohan or Mel Gibson they look more like the guy on the corner with a sign that says “will work for food” Do you believe these people are alcoholics? They will say they are and get off of jail time by going to “celebrity rehab” or something.
Best answer:
Answer by courtesyflush
So, George W. Bush looks like a bum on the corner with a sign ?
Answer by Ryde.On
You obviously know very little about alcoholism.
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Tags: white house, george zimmerman, daily caller, sean smith, george w. bush, obama administration