Do You Have an Alcohol or Drug Problem?
Do You Have an Alcohol or Drug Problem?
Alcohol and drug use can progress into abuse and even addiction so insidiously that sometimes people do not realize that it has become a problem for them and those around them. The following self-assessment tests can help you determine whether or not … Read more on About – News & Issues
Wrong-way driver sparks rollover crash on Hwy. 167
 I've experienced plenty of drug/alcohol addiction in my family and have see first hand that the ones that successfully quit are the ones that take ownership of their choices. The ones that relapse and/or don't quit always have a "reason". Klondiko 5pts. Read more on KOMO News
March Madness: Stop and Smell the Rosé
Brandy is the grandma cure-all of the midwest with literally nothing it can't fix (besides alcoholism). Have a teething baby? Rub some brandy on those gums! Think you have cancer? Nothing a brandy old fashioned can't cure! (<— a lie as it turns out.) … Read more on Jezebel
Addiction Medication – Learn about addiction medication from a psychiatrist.
Tags: the rose, a psychiatrist, alcohol addiction