Do You Think He Really Qualifies for This?

Question by meerkat~the original…: Do you think he really qualifies for this?
Jeremy Roenick is going to be on an NBC show Sunday called Celebrity Treasure Hunt (or something like that). Is he a celebrity most people will recognize or is this really lame?

1. When do the Team Captains chose their teams for the All Star game (or have they and I missed it)?

2. Will the Sedins stay together for the All Star game as in on the same team?

3. If yes, just how creepy do you think this is?

Best answer:

Answer by Jaguar Jones Says Buy My Team!
People that watch those shows dont care who the “Celebrity” is they will just have the text pop up under his name that says “jeremy roenick hockey player” and they will accept him as a celebrity… a good example of this phonomina is my chick watches and there is this fat bearded white guy on there i asked her what qualifys him as a celeb but she had no idea.. turns out he was the voice of the fat kid on an old cartoon called recess.. but i had to hit up wiki to find that out!

1. lidstrom and eric staal

2. they are going to be split up and then both suffer nervous breakdowns as soon as they sit on opposite benches.. never to play again

3. I think they are really weird to be delt as a package deal

Answer by Dale M
Are there any real celebrities on shows like that?
1. I think Jan. 28.
2. Possibly,
3. Lol, as long as they don’t share a urinal it’s not creepy.

Add your own answer in the comments!



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