Do You Think This Is Why My Friend Is an Alcoholic?

Question by Make heads turn: Do you think this is why my friend is an alcoholic?
My friend will be 29 years old in several days. Anyway, he has been an alcoholic since he was a teen. He had a pretty normal childhood. However, when he was 14 years old he almost beaten to death by a group of gang members. Those losers were trying to steal his bike. My friend never received counseling for his attack. He was just told by his family to get over it and be a man.

I think from then on he went down hill. I know he is super lovable and affectionate, but has tried to kill himself. Normally he has the biggest smile on his, but behind is a world of pain.

Best answer:

Answer by tjdepere2003
nah he has not developed any self respect
you need to get him to go to an AA group and become a friend
of Bill Wilson
til he does this he will probably continue down hill
you or a friend might have to take him because he has a very high level of developed resistance

Answer by susanperr
He needs some form of counseling. Tell him, if you can, that if that is the reason, then he let those gang members win. Don’t let them win and do that to him. But also alcoholism is a disease and it sounds like he is one. If he really wants to get his life back and stop, he needs to get the proper help.
It is hard when one has emotional problems. Maybe the people that really care about him can talk to him and show him the way. But, he has to want to help himself first. That is key.

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