Does Anyone Know of Any Medical or Financial Programs to Help With a Must Needed Back Surgery?

Question by gena_larry4ever: Does anyone know of any medical or financial programs to help with a must needed back surgery?
I am a 43 year old female, single mother of a 12 year old son.I was diagnosed with FM, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Thyroid Disease, HighBlood Pressure,Mitral Valve Prolapsed, Depression,TMJ, and 2 bulged discs in my back.I have been fighting the discs in my back since 2000. I have been getting Cortisone SI Joint Injections and physical therapy as needed. I have no medical coverage. There is a “Christian Clinic” in a neighboring town that does help where they can with meds. But no further medical care.I had to visit the ER about a week ago because the pain was so severe and I had tremendous numbing in my left leg, back , buttocks, and foot. They gave me 3 shots and sent me home because our larger town 10 miles away, Mountain Home, Arkansas has no Neuro Physicians here. We would have to travel 120 miles North to Springfield, Missouri. But with no insurance and no employment or funding how does a person do that? Does anyone know of any programs that may help me? Sincerely, Gena

Best answer:

Answer by ddcrazybirds
Have you looked for a public hospital? You might have to go to a major city to find one. With all your various medical issues, you might consider applying for disability (Medicaid or Medicare usually comes with that). Also, apply for Medicaid ASAP since the disability process often takes a while. That way you can get some medical assistance while waiting for the disability decision.

I seriously doubt a charity organization would be able to help you since the cost of your medical issues would be so high. You could also contact your nearest medical school, and see if they know of any hospitals that treat the uninsured. From a quick search, you might try Community Medical Center of Izard County.

From personal experience, it’s very difficult to find assistance. You have to be persistent. They’ll often tell you no to make you go away, but don’t give up!

Good luck and best wishes!

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Therapeutic Associates physical therapy clinic opens in Oregon City

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Therapeutic Associates Oregon City Physical Therapy, the latest addition to a network of more than 70 Therapeutic Associates clinics in Washington, Oregon, Idaho and California, is located at 911 Main St. The clinic's specialized services include …


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