Drug Companies Cherry-Pick Data to Get Approval for Useless Drugs

Drug Companies Cherry-Pick Data to Get Approval for Useless Drugs

Filed under: medications to treat depression

It goes without saying that the drugs you take for a headache, or high blood pressure, or even depression should work better than a Tic-Tac. That's what drug trials are for: researchers give a group of subjects either the drug under investigation or a …
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Anxiety, depression and insomnia drugs and risk of driving accident: an

Filed under: medications to treat depression

Anxiety, depression and insomnia drugs have been commonly used to treat mental and emotional disorders, or improve sleep-related problems. They affect the central nervous system (CNS) by interacting with a variety of neurotransmitters, and as a result, …
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Depression: The use of Medication for Depression – www.dragresti.com ~ (561) 842-9550 Dr. Agresti, Psychiatrist in West , Florida, talks about his preferred medications for treating depression. Depression is more that just feeling sad for a few days. Psychological symptoms of depression are sadness, lack of desire for fun, hopelessness helplessness, despair, worthlessness, guilt, thoughts of death and dying. The physical symptoms of depression are changes in appetite and changes in weight. Problems with sleeping develop with people who suffer from depression. Depression medications start working in a week or two and may take up to two months. Anti-depressants commonly used are Wellbutrin, Prozac, Zoloft, Lexapro, Paxil, Remeron, Effexor and Pristiq. Call Dr. Agresti today to get help for your depression.


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