Drug Rehab Next to School Has Parents Worried

Drug rehab next to school has parents worried
“There are a lot of kids in the neighborhood, and it will be scary to have them outside playing with a rehab right there,” she said. “I've seen places like that. There are people passing out because they need their drugs. It's just not safe to have a … Read more on Arizona Daily Star

Heroin Addict Emerges From an Arizona Cave to Help Others
He is also a nationally certified recovery coach and supervisor of five who do the same work at Gosnold on , a non-profit addiction treatment center. Recovery coach is an oldish phrase with a new twist. They're counselors, cheerleaders, scolds, … Read more on Bloomberg

Former addict fights Indonesia's drug problem
Having been through the cycle of jail and drugs, starting with marijuana and ending up with heroin, he decided to start his own rehabilitation center in Bogor, a city just south of Indonesia's capital Jakarta. Now, 18 years later, he is the director of … Read more on CNN

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