Eagle Point Advanced Dental Announces SmileGift 2013 Social Outreach Program

Eagle Point Advanced Dental Announces SmileGift 2013 Social Outreach Program

Filed under: neuromuscular physical therapy

I have been disabled since breaking my back in two places as a police officer during an arrest that ended in a physical altercation. Since that … To facilitate and complete treatment, Eagle Point Advanced Dental will complete a new patient exam …
Read more on SBWire (press release)


Making muscles smarter

Filed under: neuromuscular physical therapy

This new machine, called the off-axis neuromuscular trainer, is an offshoot of the trusty elliptical trainer that has been a workout favorite for decades. Northwestern University researchers who developed the new … The AlterG anti-gravity treadmill …
Read more on nwitimes.com


'Patience is an all-important virtue'

Filed under: neuromuscular physical therapy

Pilates instructor and licensed physical therapist Alda Delatorre works with Jerry Bainbridge recently at Euro Pilates in New Tampa. MADE IT BAINBRIDGE 3. … I was suffering from peripheral neuropathy and neuromuscular ataxia. I was also reeling from …
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NeuroMuscular Therapy Center with Judith DeLany (Founder) – www.nmtcenter.com Since Judith DeLany, LMT, began teaching NeuroMuscular Therapy in 1984, she has emerged as a leading pioneer in the field of NMT. As a result of many years as a clinician and educator, Judith refined and developed methods of teaching the American version of NMT. She is the founder and director of the International Academy of NeuroMuscular Therapies, a certifying body that sets standards for the training of healthcare practitioners in the use of NMT. She is the Director of the NMT Center, an educational organization that produces 80+ NMT events nationwide and internationally each year for the healthcare industry. Licensed Massage Therapists, , Occupational Therapists, Nurse Massage Therapists, Athletic Trainers, Chiropractors, and Dentists alike benefit from the curriculum and hands-on techniques of the NMT workshops. The NMT Center school program, developed by DeLany, incorporates NMT into school curricula so that the student graduates fully trained and certified in NeuroMuscular Therapy. As an internationally recognized speaker on such topics as chronic pain and myofascial dysfunction, Judith has served as a presenter and/or keynote speaker at numerous conventions and conferences in various fields of medicine. She has been awarded recognition for legislative work as well as outstanding instruction. A published author of manuals and articles on pain management, Judith also contributed the American version of NMT to Dr. Leon Chaitow’s


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