Emanuel Outsources Program Offering Emergency Assistance to City's Homeless

Emanuel outsources program offering emergency assistance to city's homeless

Filed under: catholic outreach programs

Emanuel said the city will pay Catholic Charities $ 2.5 million to take over its mobile outreach services, a program that offers emergency assistance to the city's homeless population. The city is currently spending $ 5.5 million to run the program …
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Malden Catholic offers high school placement test prep

Filed under: catholic outreach programs

Recognized for its dedicated faculty, challenging curriculum, spiritual guidance, social outreach, and championship caliber athletic programs, Malden Catholic educates young men from more than 40 communities surrounding Boston. The school is accredited …
Read more on Boston.com


Young Adult and Campus Ministry Coordinator – Archdiocese of Detroit (Detroit

Filed under: catholic outreach programs

Provide a Catholic Presence to University of Michigan-Dearborn and Henry Ford Community college campuses by assuring that an evangelizing catechesis, a solid formation and supportive spiritual outreach is provided to students, (both commuter and …
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New Catholic priest has young ear, Facebook page

Filed under: catholic outreach programs

Joe Ortega hopes to reach parishioners through Facebook and an online blog. Ortega is a newly- ordained priest of the Diocese of Gaylord who has been assigned to the Cheboygan Catholic Community, covering parishes in Cheboygan, …
Read more on Cheboygan Daily Tribune


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